Since 2013: Postdoctoral researcher at the Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)

University Education

2001-2008 Studies of Physics, Technische Universität Berlin

10-2003 Vordiplom (equivalent BSc) (grade: „very good“)

06-2008 Thesis (supervised by Prof. Dr. Erwin Sedlmayr): ‚Nonlinear dynamics of cosmic masers’ (grade: 1.0)

06-2008 Diploma in Physics (equivalent MSc), final grade: „with Distinction“


2000-2010 Studies of Philosophy, Technische Universität Berlin

10-2004 Zwischenprüfung (equivalent BA) in Philosophy (grade: „very good“)

09-2009 Thesis (supervised by Prof. Dr. Günter Abel): ‚Fred Dretske’s program of naturalizing intentionality’ (grade:  „very good“)

07-2010 Magistra Artium in Philosophy (equivalent MA), final grade: „very good“


2008-2013 Doctoral studies at the Argelander-Institute for Astronomy, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi),

2009-2013 Dissertation on „Shocks in the interstellar medium“

12-2013 PhD in Astronomy/Astrophysics (final grade: „summa cum laude“)


Awards and Fellowships

2003-2006 Member of the sponsorship programme of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)

2009-2013 Member of the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IMPRS)

2009-2012 Member of the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS)

06-2010 Fellow of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation during the 60th meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau

04/05-2014 Visiting Research Fellow at the Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, CA

2014-2015 Funding of the project “WissensARTen”, awarded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung within the program “Innovation in Science Journalism”


Teaching Experience

2004-2007 Tutoring at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the TU Berlin with teaching, supervision and correction duties for undergraduate and graduate, courses:

  • WS 04/05-WS 06/07: Introduction to Theoretical Physics I & II
  • SS 07: Theoretical Physics I: Mechanics

2009-2013 Teaching at the Argelander-Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn:

  • WS 09/10: Proseminar presentation for Bachelor students (supervision)
  • SS 2010, 2012, 2013: The Interstellar Medium, one lecture: ‘Shocks, SNRs and Turbulence’
  • SS 11: The Interstellar Medium: ‘Shocks, SNRs and Turbulence’ (tutorials and one lecture)


Scientific community service

Referee for A&A, MNRAS, and ApJ


Invited Talks

10-2012 ‘Die Deutung des Komplexen. Modelle in der Wissenschaft’ (‘Interpretation of complexity. Models in science’), ERES-Stiftung – A foundation to foster dialog between the arts and sciences, Munich

02-2013 ‘Die Kunst modellhafter Welterkenntnis’, Auricher Wissenschaftstage, Aurich

03-2013 ‘Neutral Observers? Data Selection and Analysis in Astronomy’, Workshop on “The Epistemology of Data Selection and Analysis Procedures in Physics”, University of Wuppertal

01-2014 ‘Die neue Kommunikation der Wissenschaftler – eine Gefahr für den Wissenschaftsjournalismus?’ (‘The new communication of scientists – a danger for science journalism?’), Ringvorlesungsreihe ‘Zukunft im Technikjournalismus – Medienprofis präsentieren Arbeitsfelder’, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Studiengang Technikjournalismus/PR

04-2014 ‘A Philosophical Perspective on Shocks in Molecular Clouds’, Third Carnegie Cognitive Astrophysics Workshop, Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California

05-2014 ‘Underdetermination in Astrophysics’, Carnegie Cognitive Astrophysics Workshop – The Lake Arrowhead Meeting, UCLA Conference Center, California

06-2014 ‘Observing heavenly bodies and modelling the cosmos – Philosophical perspectives on astrophysical research’, Colloquium in Logic, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

10-2014 ‘WissensARTen: Art and Science – An Encounter, One Topic, Two Perspectives’, STATE Experience Science Festival Berlin, FORUM ‘Where Art and Science meet – on creating a Third Culture’

11-2014 ‘An Introductory Tutorial on Astrophysical Shocks’, The Carnegie Observatories Lunch Talk Series, Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California

11-2014 ‘Early results from the CALYPSO survey’, Morning Tea Time, Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California

11-2014 ‘Astrophysical Shocks, Dust and Molecular Clouds’, The Carnegie Observatories Colloquium Series, Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California

01-2015 ‘Philosophie jenseits des Sonnensystems’, Kolloquium “Philosophie und Wissenschaftsreflexion”, Institut für Philosophie der Leibniz Universität Hannover

02-2015 ‘GAIA and the epistemology of astrophysics’, COSPAR Symposium for the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Vienna International Center

04-2015 ‘Der Datenmythos – Die Wissenschaft als Rohstoffmarkt?’, Ringvorlesung Technik- und Umweltethik, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Studiengang Technikjournalismus/PR

06-2015 ‘Science Journalism as a Challenge’, Physikalisches Kolloquium Fachgruppe Physik/Astronomie der Universität Bonn

06-2015 ‘Probing the Methanol and CO Snow Lines in the Young Protostar NGC 1333-IRAS4B’, SFB 956 Kolloquium, Cologne Bonn

06-2015 ‘Scientific Models – Gateways to Reality’, Schering Stiftung Fellows Meeting 2015 ‘Analog & Digital. Simulations in Art & Science’, Berlin



03-2015 ‘Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Freiburg: Situation und Perspektiven’, Diskussionsveranstaltung zwischen Hochschulleitung und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern, Universität Freiburg

06-2015 ‘The Quest for Interdisciplinarity: Inspiration or Distraction?’, Panel Discussion with E. Betzig, M. Chalfie, S. Chu, S. W. Hell, W. E. Moerner, 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Lindau


Scientific Publications

